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Unlock Your Minds To Understanding The Beauty
Of Healthy Conflict In Your Personal And Professional Life

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Are you tired of the constant conflict in your professional and or personal life?

Are you always being entangled in conflict without solutions?

Have you experienced being in a situation where there’s finger-pointing and false expectations?

If you answered "YES" to the questions above...

Then better read the next lines for I have just what you need! 

But first… let me ask you a few more questions…

Have you experienced any of these?

You think one of your team who always disagrees with what you say is the problem?

Do you have problems in communicating what you really mean in the business setting?

Have you experienced getting into a lengthy discussion with your team and felt that you’re being misunderstood?

Do you feel that as a team you can’t come up with a solution because each person has their own agenda?

Well, here’s the thing… the problem is not you or them...

The real problem is in UNDERSTANDING, SEEING, AND ENGAGING in conflict and how it plays a role in your communications.
In other words, it’s how you U.S.E. the conflict for your benefit.

That Being Said...

This Course That I’m Offering Is For You:


  • If you’re frustrated with dead and ineffective team meetings. 
  • If you feel that your team is afraid to voice their opinions.

  • If you’re yearning for fresh and creative ideas but your team seems uninterested.

  • If you want to resolve real issues as quickly as possible but are afraid to confront someone upfront.

  • If you don’t like company politics.

  • If you desire significant topics to be discussed and evaluated in a thorough manner but don’t know how.

  • If you want to learn the proper way of communication during a heated conflict or situation.

  • If you’re willing to control your emotions when pressured or felt offended.

  • If you’re ready to finally make a stand without sounding offensive or intimidating. 

  • If you need to correct someone’s behavior but you don’t know how to approach the person.

And yes… I could go on and on.

But, if these are your frustrations, I completely understand.

Because I’ve been there!

Like you, I used to deal with people and get heated in the process because of some disagreements and misunderstandings.

Not only in business or work but also in the family especially my wife…

And oh, don’t get me wrong. I really love my wife. She’s the most important person in my life.

Because without her, I won’t be complete.

No one will take care of my home, my children, and me.

No one will help me in making huge decisions.

But you see… There's no perfect marriage.

There is no such thing as perfect organization.

And if there’s no perfect organization, there’s also no perfect team.

Because if there is one, why are you still struggling?

Why do you still feel stagnant at times?

Why are you still having conflict?


And oh yes! It gets harder and harder as you move forward towards your goal.

I know how it feels
...And the reason why I’m sharing this with you now is that,

Some years ago, I used to be in your shoes.

Heck, I’m still experiencing challenges after challenges, conflicts after conflicts.

And mind you, it won’t end ‘til your deathbed.

Now, why am I telling you this?

...well, whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, executive assistant, manager, coach, trainer, or even a parent, you need to LEARN HOW TO ENGAGE IN HEALTHY CONFLICT.

This is one principle in life that we must learn and study and let me show you how

Now, before anything else…

Let’s get this straight…



And yes, you heard that right.
It breeds better results and more so, creativity.
Registering on this course means that you will get Exclusive Access to the most in-depth training available anywhere in the world.
A course that will educate you in handling conflicts in your organization, team, or family,
So you can elevate the quality of your life and remove unnecessary stress.
And here’s what you’ll discover inside...

Understand Generative Learning

Determine the three straightforward actions necessary to actively incorporate new facts and thoughts into what you currently know.

Conflict Management

Unlock innovative solutions to internal relationship conflicts that can assist you in preventing the creation of conditions conducive to negativity, stress, demotivation, and unhappiness.

Exercise Conflict Resolution Training

Develop effective conflict resolution skills that enable you and your team to minimize the friction that wreaks havoc on your working relationships.

Find Out Benefits of Healthy Conflict

See greater perspective out of healthy conflicts within your personal and professional life that opens up your eyes with new ideas you’ve never realized before.

Learn About Emotional Control Practice

You’ll discover more beneficial methods to handle stress and strong emotions at times of intense tension and pressure.

So Now What’s Inside the Engaging in Healthy Conflict Course
This course is built and designed to train your conscious and subconscious mind in handling all kinds of conflict and see its beauty in your personal and professional life.

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Here are some of the great benefits when you enroll yourself in the Engaging in Healthy Conflict course:

Good Listening Techniques

Nothing beats a good and active listener. Remember, patience and self-discipline are required for effective listening.

You’ll learn simple listening techniques to control your impulses to speak and be able to put yourself and your thoughts aside so you can fully see another perspective.

Interpersonal Communication Skills

Quality communication is key to quality leadership. 
Meaning, you’ll learn to understand not only verbal messages, but also non-verbal messages - including gestures, eye contact, and feelings.

Peace Of Mind At All Times

Remember what Ronald Reagan, former US President, said? He said, 

PEACE is not the absence of conflict. It is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”

Fresh Outlook On Conflict

Conflict, of course, may have negative consequences. It can lead to feelings of loneliness, anger, and resentment if it is not properly handled. And this is where you come into play.

Here’s What These People Have To Say About How Awesome 

Richard D. Marks Is:

Richard's professionalism is clear in everything he does. He is an expert in his field and will work alongside you to build and sustain your brand. I highly recommend his services.

R.L. Davis
Executive Producer
Greater Phoenix Area, Arizona, United States

Richard is very gifted at “turnarounds”; i.e. taking low-performing sales teams and turning them into something great.  Richard comes with my highest recommendation as he would be an asset to any organization.

Briana Jolicoeur
San Diego, California, United States
Vice President Human Resources

Richard delivered Effective Communication training to about 25 of our employees, and they could not stop raving about his class. I would recommend him for any training where you need a dynamic, energetic trainer who can deliver content that keeps participants excited about learning all day. In fact, our employees asked that we have him back to train the entire workforce - it was THAT good. Here are some of the things they said:

"Richard's delivery was phenomenal, the content was interactive and engaging! Amazing job!!"

"This was an amazing class! I learned so much and the content gave me the ability to make connections on concepts I want to grow in! Thank you!"

"Loved the class! Richard was awesome and a perfect example of
effective communication.

Karleen Harp
Human Resources Manager
Oceanside, California, United States

Wouldn’t it be nice that by the end of this course, 

You’ll go back to your same team or organization but with a different countenance in you?

You see, when the things you’ll learn from this course will positively influence you and your team in handling constructive conflict, 

This will allow you to generate new ideas for innovation for your company, 

And eventually…

It will reflect in your organization, 

Resulting in a positive atmosphere that can also impact your organization’s revenue.

Something that will positively grow your business.

And because that is the case, this course is definitely worth the investment

As I have said, conflict, if not properly handled, can lead to 

❌ Heated situation

❌ Delayed or missed deadlines

❌ Work recycling

❌ Lowered productivity

❌ Poor employee morale

❌ Increase employee turnover

❌ Absenteeism

❌ Feelings of loneliness

❌ Anger

❌ Resentment

And all of these negative effects are mutually inclusive with sales, revenue, customer and employee satisfaction, branding, marketing, 

Or in simple words, your business growth.

That being said…



Because this course is going to be the best money you’ll ever spend in your life businesswise!

To Realize the Value of What You Are Going to Get

This I can say…

 That the ENGAGING IN HEALTHY CONFLICT COURSE can help you change not only your life,

 But also those people around you - whether in personal or professional life.


 Because I help professionals, business owners, executives, and even high-ranking officials transform their workplace from confronting to care-fronting,

 And turn their struggling team into high-performing forces in their respective fields.

 Most of my one-on-one clients pay at least $5,000 for this kind of corporate training. 

 This fee does not yet even include the airfare and hotel accommodations that should be added to their expense if the training is in a physical area. 

 It does not include food expenses either. 

 All in all, attending this event would cost you up to $8,000 if this training is not to happen online

 ...But don’t worry! 

 This online course training will not cost you that much I promise.

 Here’s the thing…

Since this is an online training course, you’ll have the whole privilege to access this anywhere, anytime!
You don’t have to go to my live events just to spend 4-5 hours of top-quality training and then, poof! No more.
At least, by getting exclusive access to this online course training, you’ll have the benefit of a lifetime to get trained over and over again in handling conflict.

For how much?

Well, NOT for $8,000 dollars…


You can get exclusive access to




Yes, let me say that again, at $100.00!

A far cry from the $8,000 I was talking about earlier.

Imagine for a steal price of $100.00, you get exclusive access to an online training course about a healthy conflict that’s unlike any other!

I will be teaching you everything there is to know about the techniques that turned a group of top performers from a struggling team who can’t engage in conflict. 

For a price of $100.00, you get to experience top-quality training as if you were on my live training and conferences. 

Your limiting beliefs about conflict will be broken so that you will have enough guts to engage in conflict with greater clarity and transparency among all team members.

In addition, you will get to watch and review all the training materials as much as you want to.

If I were you, I wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity!

We already have a lot of people on the waitlist and the time flies so fast.


Who is Richard D. Marks and Why You

Should Take Up on This Offer?


Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence, Motivation, and Emotional Intelligence - these are the same four key principles that have guided Richard throughout his 30-year career in business.

Richard is a top-notch leader by mind and a gallant soldier by heart. From being a US Army Veteran to a Sought-After Entrepreneur, he has proven himself to successfully transform struggling teams into top performers in their field. He is also an established author of “The Empowerment Series Volume I & II”.

For over 18 years, Richard has effectively applied best practices to turn failing sales teams into high-performing ones in the competitive wireless industry prior to founding RDM Management Group.

Richard shares his athletic mindset and years of wisdom in handling conflicts with tons of professionals who seek his advice and guidance.

And now, you have his attention at the tip of your finger, waiting for you to commit yourself to change your perspective not only with engaging in conflict but also in life in its entirety.

“Positive change always encounters resistance, conflict, and obstacles. We must embrace difficult and heated situations in life, for that is the method of igniting our reactions in order to transform them.” 

-Yehuda Berg

Frequently Asked Questions

Let me manage my conflict well, let me sign up Now

If you registered and got your exclusive access, but later realize that you are not satisfied with your investment despite the high-value training you are getting.

You can get your money back within 30 days after you purchase the online course.
You just have to send us an email to [email protected] with a written and valid explanation of why you’re not satisfied with the course.

A Personal Note from Richard

In our workplace and in our personal life, conflicts are inevitable

Today's business gives high importance on interpersonal skills such as the ability to communicate effectively, to listen attentively, to negotiate effectively, and to resolve conflicts. A peaceful conclusion to a dispute can be reached via the process of conflict resolution. 

When conflict is handled in an authoritative and peaceful manner, it can actually be beneficial.  You will learn to listen for understanding rather than for a response, as well as how to successfully communicate.

You’ll experience how army veterans do conflict management training on top of entrepreneurial leadership skills you’ll learn inside the course. Not only will you discover different communication styles but also, 

You’ll learn different conflict resolution styles that you can immediately apply in the workplace and in your personal life. 

I invite you to get exclusive access to my ENGAGING IN HEALTHY CONFLICT online course as I debunked all the negative connotations regarding conflict and discussed how you can U.S.E. conflict for your benefit. And when I say U.S.E. conflict, I mean to understand, see, and engage conflict in a peaceful and healthy way.

This is my personal invitation to you. I know you made it this far because you truly want to grow and learn how you can best manage conflict in teams and in life.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and by any means, whatever it takes, register for this exclusive online course before the timer ends.

So join us inside!

And remember…



Richard D. Marks

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